Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eastvale jog on 02/09/11

Untitled by lisas.lil.lam at Garmin Connect - Details

Here are my results from my jog on Thursday evening. I really need to learn to minimize my stops, or at least keep them to 30 seconds or less. I had pains in my left side again, nothing new, but they just kept persisting so I needed to stop often to try to get them to subside.

I'd had a rough day with my youngest and it was showing. By 1pm, my husband said I looked "defeated", and I felt it. He had some work to do, but told me that around 4:00 I could go for a run. I wasn't going to hold my breath since usually, he will get extra calls or work coming in just as he is about to let me do something. However, at about 3:55, he said, go get dressed. I was stoked! I waited a few just to make sure he was able to care for our 4 kids, finally he said to go. I was outta here!

My moving time is definitely improving, but like I said before, I really need to work on minimizing/shortening my stopping times, that's what's really hurting me overall. My next 5K needs to be better than my last, and to do that, I NEED to work on my endurance. Any suggestions regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

Until tomorrow...

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