Monday, April 25, 2011

04/25/11 walk/jog in HB

Untitled by lisas.lil.lam at Garmin Connect - Details

So today's schedule was a little different...Hubby needed to fly out of OC airport so I decided to leave the monkeys at the childcare place out there and go for a jog/walk. I started just 1.2 miles from the beach and work my way over as far as I could. I made it 2.0 miles before I just NEEDED to head back. My lower right back and right knee were "complaining" pretty bad, but I wanted a nice round number. I made it back in one piece, but I did have to stop a lot to rest my knee (mostly). I ended up doing 4.02 miles in 48:32 minutes, not too bad considering it's been quite awhile since I last jogged. I also ended up burning 381 calories-I'd say that's a pretty good start to this week. Now, if I can just keep it up.


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