Wednesday, March 2, 2011

03/01/11 In-home exercises

Today, I woke up super-sore! I was in no way motivated to go cycling or jogging. Heck, getting out of bed was physically challenging! My glutes were still throbbing. (On a side note, the exercises I had done yesterday exhausted me so much, that I had a decent night of sleep!) I was planning on keeping the younger monkey with me, but he became a major booger, so I ended up going to childcare along with the older monkey. I ran a few errands. Went for my weigh-in, yay, those pesky pounds that jumped back onto me are all gone. I'm back down to 132! I treated myself to a Venti size Pike's Place coffe at the Starbuck's that was across the street. Afterwards, I went grocery shopping at Sam's club. Drove home, grabbed some paperwork and then headed off to the elementary school to register my middle son for Kindergarten. Came back, unloaded the groceries, switched out cars and then off to go get the monkeys. We then drove over to Sear's to return some items that didn't work out. Dropped off a package for my hubby at a local Staples. Then, off to wait for my older kids to get out of their school. (Yup, I drove all around 3 different towns in one day.)

Once home, I started my chores for housecleaning. Vacuumed upstair, downstairs carpet & hardwood and the stairs themselves. I then mopped the hardwood and then started dinner. While dinner was cooking, I looked on YouTube for another workout routine to try. I chose the Intense boot camp routine and burned about 310 calories. I also chose the Boot camp routine by Zuzana and did 5 of the 6 exercises she does. I modified one since I didn't have the equipment, I ended burning 305 calories. Now, let me tell you this, I can honestly say... I HATE burpees! Those suckers hurt, BAD!!!! I was so drenched from these 2 routines, I had to shower right away.

If you are looking to change up your fitness routine and have some serious endurance and willpower, check out "" or "charliejames1975" on YouTube. Zuzana really shows you how to move and she has the body to prove it. On a few videos I've watched, she's actually had to stop & catch her breath, I'm glad they didn't edit that out & make it seem like she powers straight thru from start to finish. I watch her videos, choose the ones I want to do, write down the exercise names (so I can follow the pattern, modify any that I need to and then do it. I will say now that I am not "fit", I've lost a lot of weight, but I'm working on getting my body into shape & trying to tighten things up as best as I can.

I am in NO way affiliated with "" or with "charliejames1975", I just enjoy the workouts they were kind enough to post on YouTube.

If you get the chance to do any of her routines, let me know. I love hearing from others how their weight loss and fitness journeys are going. Good luck and until next time.

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